How has Pope Francis changed so far?

A comparison Skilled Empath Merge

Pope Francis - Newly Installed (March) and Current (December) 2013
Pope Francis – Newly Installed (March) and Current (December) 2013

Aura Reading Databank at the Throat Chakra for Verbal Integrity

Pope Francis Newly Installed

4 inches. Even amid the marriage-style sacramental bliss he’s experiencing in  some of his other chakra databanks, Pope Francis remains a deeply secretive man, expertly guarded as a communicator. Cunning, watchful, he feels no connection to “Telling the truth” as others would. He says what serves his purposes. Human-style scruples are as absent as spontaneity.

Pope Francis Now

Fills the room plus three inches. The same kind of Divine presence shows through as usual, purity incarnate.Pope Francis has merged his human identity with the Divine in a very renunciate way. There is no him there, nothing left save for the habits of speaking, the knowledge he has, the storehouse of impressions from every lifetime so far, informing this selfless way of being. Renunciate Enlightenment at its finest.

via Deeper Perception Made Practical » How has Pope Francis changed so far? A comparison Skilled Empath Merge..

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