About deWriter

Pic of blogger, Debi Brady

When I first started this blog a couple years ago, I realized with all those posting over the Web, but didn’t have a real ‘home’ for them that I could control. I’ve been an early-adopter of social media, first on LinkedIn (2005), then IT Toolbox, next was Facebook…which I joined in 2008, and THEN, I started with Twitter! Finally, putting the pieces together and establishing my own blog, here on WordPress.

Now, I’m publishing my own book under a new small press that I’m starting soon, MetaRead360. This blog will track my publishing and marketing stories…as well as those authors and other peers who will be contributing.

After being an official ‘geek-gal’ involved with computers since high school…and that was WAY before PC’s, I’m here to tell you! So, I don’t just jump on any old passing bandwagon and resisted FB and the like for quite awhile before a friend convinced me to give it a try. Since then, I’ve acquired more friends…and not just virtual ones…than I had in the previous ten. In six-plus weeks on Twitter, my network and contacts…personal and professional…skyrocketed. It’s really amazing to me, but I can understand that there are still a few of my techie friends who poo-poo this as an annoyance and/or aberration. Of course, that’s possible, but…the numbers speak for themselves…

I’ll continue filling you in on my journey over the next few months, but for now…it just keeps getting more interesting!

2 thoughts on “About deWriter

  1. Thank you for sharing your story. Your journey inspires and uplifts. look forward to knowing more. Howard

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